Whitby Music Centre fees for 2024/2025
Fees for Whitby Music Centre are per-school term. Please note that remissions are available for those on Working Tax Credit or children on Free School Meals.
Fees for Whitby Music Centre are per-school term. Please note that remissions are available for those on Working Tax Credit or children on Free School Meals.
Free School Meals / Income Support / J.S.A.[Income Based] / Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance
Child Tax Credit with Annual Income under £16,190 (from April 2021) and not WTC, Qual. Univeral Credit
Child (per term 10 x sessions) | £23.72 – single session | £29.60 – double session |
If you are;- receiving Working Tax Credits or receiving Working Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits
Child (per term 10 x sessions) | £29.65 – single session | £37.00 – double session |
Remissions are not available to adult members of the music centre.
If you would like to join us Whitby Music Centre’s 2024-2025 enrolment form and terms and conditions can be accessed here.
If you have any questions regarding joining Whitby Music Centre please feel free to email Richard.Wood@northyorks.gov.uk for more information.
Notification of non-attendance
We enjoy full commitment from most of students at concerts and rehearsals over the year which is essential for the success of the centre. It is clearly important that ensemble members make every effort to be present each Saturday, especially members of the senior ensembles.
It is, however, understood that there will be occasions when health issues, for example, make this impossible. If you and or your child is unable to be present for a rehearsal they should let their ensemble director know so that this can be marked in the register.
Alternatively, please contact us to let us know.
The music centre number is switched on from 8.30am every Saturday morning to allow notification of ‘last minute’ absence or emergencies.
If you and or your child no longer want to attend, please let us know immediately. Some information you could provide about the reasons why will help to improve our service for the future.
Is Support Available?
There are some concessions available for those on Working Tax Credit or children on Free School Meals. Please contact us for more details.
Procedure for bad weather
In the event of severe weather conditions or other unavoidable factors, Whitby Music Centre may have to be closed.
Obviously, we will endeavour to inform you of such a closure in advance but if this is not possible an announcement will be posted on social media by 8am. You can also check your emails to see if your ensemble director has notified you.